1. Finish editing last year's large project.
2. Get a literary agent for the projects I wrote last year.
Goals 1&2 were not even begun. Things quickly shifted as the semester begun last winter, and my time for external goals--especially such time consuming ones--came to a screeching halt. Although I continued editing the piece of writing that I reference in 2, I did not begin the process of trying to publish it.
3. Read 25 extra curricular books. Completed! My final total was 26.
4. Watch 365 movies between January 1st 2017 and January 1st 2018.
<Rules: They can be features-substantial shorts-seasons of TV-or limited series>
Not complete--but my final total was 316. Pretty good, considering how insanely busy I was for most of the year.
5. Direct 3 major film or theatre projects. I consider this one completed, although I began my first one last year. The other two should be completed by May.
6. Production design 3 projects. Completed! Although I changed this to also include working as a Prop Master. I actually worked as production designer or Prop Master on 4 projects.
7. Act in a project that is not my own. Completed!
8. Finish the two feature length scripts that I have been working on.
9. Start a third feature length script.
Because the nature of this year, I did not have any time to truly begin working on these goals until December. I was able to get great starts on both of them though (which technically completes my 9th goal).
10. Write 52 blog posts about media that has had a profound effect on me.
Haha, yeah. I knew this was a long shot when I wrote it down, but I did it anyway because I am insane. Definitely did not do this. I'm not even sure if it's something I truly want to do.
11. Release the album I made last year. I did not complete this, although it is ready to release whenever I get the go ahead. Hopefully there will be more about this later.
12. Write and record a new album. I have this one half done.
Now time to set a roadmap for the year ahead.
My Goals for 2018:
1. Watch 365 Movies, Short films, or seasons of television.
2. Read 25 books.
3. Complete editing on The Heron and Sickly.
4. Complete the three scripts that I have in different stages of development.
5. Release my finished album, Cacaya: Soundtrack to the Film
6. Record a new album and release it.
7. Direct one new short.
8. Begin major preproduction on my first feature.
9. Create "production packages" for all three of the scripts I'm completing.
10. Begin steps towards publishing the book I've been working on for the last few years.
This year I've decided to focus my goals to finishing things that I have already begun. Although there are a few other things I may have in the works, I won't add them to my goals for the year.