Posts tagged The Picture in the House
Picture in the House free to watch!

Hello, everyone!

It has been a while since the site has been updated. We have had two world premiers within the last month. Picture in the House premiered in Portland, OR at the H.P. Lovecraft film festival, and Dollhouse premiered at the Big Lens Film Festival in Dayton, OH. 

As for us, we have both moved to Brooklyn, NY. Yasser is working on film sets and Josh is currently pursuing his graduate degree. It is an exciting time for 5181! 

Now for the BIG news! Picture in the House has been made available online for free! the video is embedded in this very blog post! It has been added to Josh's new youtube channel, which will feature new horror shorts from time to time. Subscribe and keep checking in to see what's available. 

What better way to enjoy the month of halloween than to watch some homegrown horror? 

-stay classy-

Josh D.

October Horror

Hello, everyone!

It has been a long and strange year, but we have entered into November with yet another short film in the can. 

Two weekends ago we filmed an adaption of H.P. Lovecraft's The Picture in the House. The entire process was wonderful, and it was a ton of fun to make a horror short so close to Halloween! Adapting a Lovecraft tale is a personal dream come true for me, and it is surreal to finally have the chance to do so. 

It will be a little while before the film is available, but for now please enjoy our brand new image gallery. All photos were taken by our very talented friend, Kameron Davis. Be sure to check out photography Facebook page here.

Also keep an eye out for a new "Trailers and Videos" page. It will be exactly what it sounds like. That is, a page full of trailers and videos. 

Thank you for all of your continued support!

Josh D.

5181 Productions