365 Films- Post 7
Frank (2014)
Tonight I have a heapin' helpin' of seven films (and a BONUS short!). Let's take a gander!
36. Frank
37. Lady Snowblood
38. Lady Snowblood II: Love Song of Vengeance
39. House of Yes
40. The Brainiac
41. Disciples of the 36th Chamber
42. Meet the Parents
43. Heathers
*BONUS*- World of Tomorrow
Frank (2014)
The best part of this challenge is that it allows me to see all of the films that have intrigued me, but for one reason or another I was unable to watch them when I first had the chance. Frank is a film that I couldn't quite wrap my mind around, and even after seeing it I'm not sure how I feel about it. Michael Fassbender does some of his best work to date in this film, and his Frank character is completely unlike what I expected him to be. The soundtrack is also very good. I want to hear their album, they seem like a band I would really be into. I'm not sure if that means the movie was effective, or if I'm the brunt of it's joke.
Standout Moment: When the album finally comes together, the passion and energy between the characters gives you a real feeling of release.
Lady Snowblood (1973)
I can't say enough good about this film. It has some of the most gorgeous and inventive cinematography I have ever seen. Yuki, the eponymous Lady Snowblood, gives a real incredible performance, as well. The film balances camp, pathos, and riveting storytelling. It is on Hulu right now, and any fan of samurai films or of 70's camp needs to check it out pronto.
Standout Moment: The first sword fight is really great and a perfect way to set up the film.
Lady Snowblood II: Love Song of Vengeance (1974)
Not quite as good as the first one, mostly because it sidelines Yuki for way too long in the middle of the film. Saying that, the cinematography is just as incredible as the first film, and Yuki continues to be an incredible dramatic force. This one is also on Hulu, I would suggest watching this one right away, as well.
Standout Moment: The beach fight (seen above) showcases some of the best cinematography in either of these movies.
House of Yes (1997)
House of Yes is based on a stage play, and I would imagine works a lot better in that format than on film. The bizarre story and dialogue are not handled very well in the blocking, cinematography, or art direction. The performances are really great, especially Parker Posie, but not quite enough to sell the dialogue that is badly matched for the film's format. I think that in the hands of a different director, this could have been a really great exploration into the bizarre. I would even keep the same cast in this hypothetical remake. As it is, though, it's a mildly entertaining, darkly comic film that doesn't quite know what to do with itself.
Standout Moment: Parker Posie saves this film. It is worth watching just for her.
The Brainiac (1961)
This film felt like a missed opportunity. The premise is killer. A powerful sorcerer gets burned at the stake by the Inquisition, but in his last act before presumably dying he curses the children of the men who sent him to die and then promptly jumps aboard a passing comet. 300 years later he's back and he makes good on his word. The bad guy in this film is intriguing, there seems to be a real sense of humanity in his desire for vengeance. The first twenty minutes demonstrate a better than average storytelling capability, especially for the genre, and then the crappy monster costume comes out... I couldn't help but wonder about how much better the film would have been if they just kept the monster effects out of it. The monster design wasn't even too bad, they just did not have the money or capability to make it believable-- even for the standards of 1961.
Standout Moment: The trial scene is well staged and has a sly sense of humor that the film starts to lose as the monster becomes the focus.
Disciples of the 36th Chamber (1985)
This movie is a cartoon. I mean that in the best way possible. The characters and plot do not stop moving. From the first moment to the last, we are treated with constant and engrossing acrobatics and action. The main character is a real goofball and has Jackie Chan style comedic timing. I had a lot of fun watching this movie. I ended up watching it a 2nd time with my boys.
Standout Moment: Every group battle is a ton of fun.
Meet the Patels (2015)
Meet the Patels was a film I missed in theaters, although Jenny and I both really wanted to see it. I was very happy to see it so quickly make it to Netflix, and my happiness was not misplaced. This documentary is the best romantic comedy to come out in the last twenty years. It is incredibly funny, touching, and says a lot about belonging and familial relationships. It was a really great "feel good" film.
Standout Moment: The parents are just made for the movies. They were a real joy to watch.
Heathers (1988)
This marked my first viewing of Heathers. I just have to say, I have a newfound fear of those who claim they want to date Christian Slater from this film. His character was perfect, but dating? That just seems a little misguided. The movie was not quite what I expected, and that is a good thing. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was much darker and not quite as "John Hughes" as I had imagined. The dialogue is great, and it is no great mystery as to why this film is a favorite for so many.
Standout Moment: "I love my dead gay son!"
*BONUS* World of Tomorrow (2015)
This one is too short to count towards my total, but I loved it so much that I wanted to talk about it. Hertzfeldt has a real knack for discussing broad concepts in a funny and engaging way. This is one of my very favorite films of last year. The dialogue between the two characters, the art, the subtle attention to detail, everything adds up to it being one of the most philosophical and thought provoking films made about the nature of humanity and identity. It's only 16 minutes long and it is on Netflix. There is no reason not to watch this one right now. I've already seen it three times in two days, and I want to watch it again.
Standout Moment: The runtime is 16 minutes, and there isn't a single second that isn't exceptional.
That's it for this evening. Next post on Saturday! I'm well on my way to my mini-goal of watching at least 50 films before February 1st.
Josh D.
5181 Productions