The Mark and A Year of Movies
Happy holidays everyone, and welcome to the new year! Here at 5181, we have a couple of New Year's announcements.
First of all, editing is completed on a brand new short film, The Mark. The longline is as follows: "After an unprompted attack on the street leaves a strange mark on her arm, Susan attempts to make sense of her rapidly crumbling reality."
Expect festival and screening announcements in the coming months.
The next announcement is a fun project that is evolving from my Resolutions for 2016. I have resolved to watch 365 movies before January 1st, 2017. There are a few rules that help define this resolution.
In order to count toward's my year end total...
- The film can be viewed either at home or in a theatre.
- The film must be feature length.
- Each film can only count once.
Each week I will be posting my current list total, as well as recommendations and what struck me, whether it be good or bad. My current total is at 23, so I will be kicking off this first week by blogging about a few each night. After Sunday, the posts will become weekly.
There are many more projects planned in the coming months, and I hope to share those with you as they become tangible. Thank you for following my work. In a world where there are hundreds of thousands of ways to occupy yourself, it means a lot that you take the time to read what I write and watch my films.
Take care,
Josh D.
5181 Productions
PS- One of my favorite people in the world passed on yesterday. Bowie showed me what it means to be an artist and a human. Without ever having a chance of meeting him, I still feel like he understood me better than most of the people in my life. Thanks, David. The world will never be the same.